
At the third meeting, our class discussed about creating a resume. Classes start at 11:45, withdraw from the schedule  11:10. This is because Mr. Aji told us to come after prayers, so that learning will not be interrupted when entering prayers time. Mr. aji explained,  resume is a document created when you want to apply for a job, must be latest updated CV. A resume made, so that job will be accordance with the ability of person who made the resume.

There are two kinds of CV, British Resume and American Resume. All students including faqih and Rizka pay attention to what Mr. Aji explained about. Each resume has certain parts. In the British CV consists of: personal information, or Provile Objective, Education, Job Skills, Interests, and Reference. For American CV, not much different from the British CV. All American CV has the same part with the British CV, but there is no reference.

After that Mr Aji guiding all students made British CV. Faqih and the other guys were sitting on the 
left side, and rizka sitting with her f​​riends on right side. With sincerely Rizka and Fahiq, follow the instruction and direction given Mr Aji to make CV. To the personal information, skills and references, Rizka can follow smoothly. As for Object, Proile, Education, Work Expeience, Rizka having a little difficulty in finding the right words to arrange that part. She then borrowed Rini`s smartphone, and opened the electri dictionary. And she also had discussions with friends who are nearby in arranged the CV, while Faqih did the same, he arrange his CV too.

At the end of the meeting there are some tasks given by Mr. Aji. The tasks were:
1 Compare both types of CVs with Indonesian resume.
2 Create a resume / CV for your dream job

And create a report at Friday about Malam Jumat Kliwon Movie, actually rizka little uneasy with the last task. Because she does not like horror movies, so she invites his friend named Umi to watch the movie together, and then prepare a report of the movie with Faqih.

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